crochet princess dress pattern

- Worsted weight yarn in the desired dress color
- Size G/4mm crochet hook
- Yarn needle
- Scissors
- Buttons or ribbon for embellishment


1. Begin by crocheting a chain that is the desired length of the dress. This will be the foundation chain for the skirt portion of the dress.

2. Once you have the desired length, join the last chain to the first chain with a slip stitch to form a ring.

3. Chain 3 to start the first round and double crochet in each chain around. Join with a slip stitch to the top of the chain 3.

4. Repeat this round for the desired length of the skirt portion of the dress.

5. To create the bodice of the dress, chain 3 and double crochet in the next stitch. *Chain 2, skip 2 stitches, double crochet in the next stitch.* Repeat from * to * around. Join with a slip stitch to the top of the chain 3.

6. Repeat this round for the desired length of the bodice portion of the dress.

7. To create the straps, chain 50 (or desired length) and slip stitch back down the chain to the bodice. Repeat on the other side for the second strap.

8. To finish off the dress, add buttons or ribbon for embellishment.

9. Weave in any loose ends with a yarn needle and trim off any excess yarn with scissors.

10. Your crochet princess dress is now complete! Enjoy your beautiful creation.

crochet princess dress pattern
600 × 600

crochet princess dress pattern
720 × 1280

crochet princess dress pattern
500 × 314

crochet princess dress pattern
1920 × 960

crochet princess dress pattern
1024 × 683

crochet princess dress pattern
1080 × 1080

crochet princess dress pattern
675 × 1200

crochet princess dress pattern
1131 × 1500

crochet princess dress pattern
416 × 321

crochet princess dress pattern
750 × 500

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